Monday, September 14, 2009


(I couldn't get him to look at the camera, he wanted to look at himself.)
Guess who is potty trained!!
DAYLEN! Give him a hip hip hurray!
I kept saying I would potty train Daylen after we moved.
Well, we moved so I was out of excuses.
The hardest part was convincing him to wear underwear.
For the first 2 weeks he would pee almost every time
in the toilet,but he refused to poop.
He wanted his diaper for that.
I finally convinced him we were out of diapers
so if he wanted to go play at the park he
had to put underwear on.
That did it.
This was Labor Day, and he's been in
underwear ever since.
He had a couple of poop accidents,
but I blame that on the diarrhea.
He has never wet the bed, never had a wet accident.
It's been 1 week and now he even goes
by himself without even telling me!
He's been awesome.
Yeah for having only 1 in diapers!

Little Miss Kater keeps us laughing.
She loves to eat and has resorted to licking her plate clean.
She also drinks everything out of her bowl because its
just easier than using a fork or spoon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Come Again?

Actually I think my exact words when the
bishop gave me my new calling were
Are you SURE?
Curious yet?
Huh?? Me?? Ward Choir Director?
Yes, I love music.
Yes, I have music in my background.
Yes, I have sung in choir.
Yes, I was in band all growing up.
Yes, I play the piano, though not well.
BUT, choir director? REALLY?
Yes apparently.
Never in a million years would I have expected this.
Here goes nothing.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aloha Run

Yeah! We finally have the internet again! We just got connected last night, I feel like I've been cut off from the world, but I am back. Now that I am back I can post pictures from my very first 5K run! It was the Aloha run in Mapleton a week and a half ago. Namifiers sponsered it, so I actually didn't even think about doing it until the night before. Rachel and I decided to do it together, the only time I can run with her is when she is pregnant, that way I can't slow her down. Brad ran it pushing the kids in the jogging stroller and still killed us. I hadn't run in about a month so I was a little nervous, but we jogged the whole time and felt good! It was just a small race so I never found out what my time was which I am bummed about. We didn't even think about wearing a watch, but we think we did it somewhere between 40-45 minutes. It was a fun experience!

I put Miss Kater's hair in her very first ponytail the other day. 15 months old and barely has enough for somewhat of a decent hairdo. It sticks straight up, but I thought she looked cute!