We had a great trip to Las Vegas this last week, but as nice as it is to get away, it's always so much nicer to come home! We left Tuesday morning at 6:30 AM, ugh! We got to Vegas in time to start setting up for the trade show. As soon as we got all the stuff in the booth, the boss's wife, Jenny, who is also pregnant, asked me if I wanted to go get a massage with her. Uh...let me think about this one...yah! It was my first massage and it was so relaxing! We had a lovely relaxful afternoon while everyone else got to set up the booth. I guess there are perks to being pregnant. That night, as is tradition with trade shows, we went to a 5 star Steakhouse for dinner to get a jump start of motivation to work hard. Yummy! Wednsesday morning 10:00 am was the beginning of the 3 day ARA Trade Show. Here we are getting last minute things ready in our booth before everyone comes.
The show was a big success for us and probably the funnest one I've been to yet. The time went by really fast for me because I was just entering in the new orders that came in. They were sure to take care of me since I'm pregnant. I got to sit at the labtop and remote in to the system at work to take care of the orders we took so it wasn't such an overwhelming job when we got back. Good thing I used to work there and new how to use the system.
We started a new tradition last year of going to a show while we are there. This year we saw a magic show, Steve Wyrick. It was amazing, it was fun to try and figure out how he might be doing some of his tricks, but others still have us baffled. Like his big finale, he made a jet appear on stage in seconds! There is no trap door for that and it was literally seconds and there it was! No idea. I kept thinking about the movie, "The Prestige" while I was watching the show. Seen the movie? We all got our pictures taken with him after the show, so here is Brad, Steve, and I.
The Monday morning before we left for Vegas Daylen was pretty whiny and it just didn't seem like he was feeling all that great. I was trying to get all of my last minute things done before picking my mom up at the airport, so I put on Daylen's Nursery Rhyme DVD that he has recently come to love, thanks again mom! Then I went up to shower and get ready real quick and when I came back downstairs this is what I found. Luckily he hasn't gotten the nasty flu that's going around, he just needed a little more sleep still. He had a great time with grandma and aunt Rachel while we were gone. I was very anxious to see him again by the end of our trip and just glad to be HOME!
2 months ago
so glad you had fun! seeing the booth really brings back memories and I don't know if that's a good thing :-) I love the last picture with Daylen sleeping. That is just so cute!
Sounds like you had a great time. And a massage on top of it all, my, oh, my!
You deserve the pregnant girl treatment! Glad you had a good time. And what a sweet picture of Daylen. He was gearing up for the fun with grandma :)
Next time you guys go to Vegas, I think I'm coming with you. I've never been and every time you go, it seems that you have a lot of fun.
It was great seeing you guys last night at the UV50 show. sounds like namifiers is doing well! Glad to hear that things are going well for you also! You can check out our blog if you want www.candtfam.blogspot.com
The Bennetts
Welcome home... there really is no place like home! Sounds like you had a great time.
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