Monday, November 30, 2009

Helpful Kate

This is just a cute picture of the kids hugging each other before we headed over to my aunt's house in Springville for a SUPER YUMMY Thanksgiving dinner! I love it when they give each other hugs or walk around the house holding hands.
Remember how in my last post I said how Kate loves to be helpful? Here is one way she helps out. Unloading the silverware from the dishwasher is Daylen's job. As soon I say "Daylen, it's time to do your job." Kate comes running to unload some silverware, Daylen on the other hand...

As you can see she can reach the drawer to throw them in, but she can't put them in the right spot.

All finished with a nicely disorganized silverware drawer. So I guess it would be more accurate to say Daylen's job is putting the silverware in the right spots after Kate has unloaded them from the dishwasher.


Mrs. Mandy said...

Kater can come put my dishes away anytime she wants to!

Unknown said...

That looks like my silverware drawer. . .

jeannie said...

Jana you and your family are so dang cute!! I had to check out what is going on with you guys! I LOVE your new house is GORG!! I won't be able to come tomorrow but I hope that sometime I can come and see it anyways :)