Monday, March 2, 2009

Bean Museum

I'm pretty behind on my blogging, but we went to the Bean Museum at BYU a couple of Saturday's ago. We wanted to do something fun with him before we left him and Kate with my mom for 4 days while we went to Las Vegas. The museum has a reptile show at 1:00PM on Saturdays and we thought it would be a fun activity to take Daylen to. He wasn't so sure about the touching part at first...

...still not so sure...

...oh took a few times to actually get a picture because he would touch the snake for only a second at a time.
He had a fun time looking at all the animals and bugs and Kate enjoyed getting out and going for a ride in the stroller. It was a fun, free activity that got us out of the house, I recommend it!


Jamie said...

Fun stuff! I got to pet that snake there, too. . . and I hesitated a little, too. :)

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

That last picture with the bears behind you is enough to make me want to go there. I don't think I have ever heard of the bean museum before. You are so lucky to live in Utah where there are so many places you can go and do things!!! How was the trip to Vegas by the way?

Natalie said...

I didn't know they did a reptile show. We'll have to go... I wonder how Hannah would react?!