We feel so lucky to have him, he is the best husband and father
a family could ask for!
It was 10 years ago today that I toilet papered your room to ask you to my Sadie Hawkins dance. I barely even knew you, I think we had met once before. Friends and your siblings can be very persuasive. I'm glad I was bold and listened. I know you were tired from your track meet and just wanted to stay home, but I'm glad you listened to your dad and let Mandy take you away so I could come leave a surprise. I'm glad you said, "yes." I had fun that night, I think you did as well, despite your super tight cowboy jeans! That night started a long friendship that led to eventually dating after your mission and so far almost 6 years of happiness in marriage, 2 kids with 1 on the way, and many adventures! I love you Happy Birthday!
Was that seriously 10 years ago??? That was sooo much fun and the date was pretty fun too:) Happy B-Day Brad and happy belated B-Day Jana!
I know crazy! I could hardly believe it'd been 10 years myself!
AHHH that's sweet! Happy Birthday Brad! Tight cowboy jeans? maybe you should post that picture just for kicks :)
Happy Birthday Brad! Jana, I loe te pictures. You guys are such a cute family!
Such a great tribute to a great husband!
Happy Birthday, Brad!!
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